Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another Day In Court

Today my son and his wife are officially divorced. As I see it, this is simply a legal affirmation of a state that has existed since last fall. I am sorry to see a family break up, but it has been broken for seven-plus months. For that long, the two have not been husband and wife.

This divorce has hardly been amicable, as those of you who have read my blog for a while already know. You have heard me call it the divorce from hell. Much bitterness, and ill-feeling, and ill-doing has passed between my son and his ex-wife. My prayer is that now the two can move on, away from the anger and bitterness and focus on their two precious children, a girl 11 and a boy 6, and love them well and act in their best interests.

Prayer For the Care of Children

Almighty God, heavenly Father, you have blessed us with the joy and care of children: Give us calm strength and patient wisdom as we bring them up, that we may teach them to love whatever is just and true and good, following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Book of Common Prayer, p. 829


  1. Grandmere Mimi,
    As a person recently separated and now living close enough to my mom to see how much my pain (as a middle-aged woman) is also her pain, I'm sorry for you. I also pray for your grandchildren and for all of you.
    Peace and blessings.

  2. Blessings upon all of you. Amen to the prayer.

  3. I don't know what to say except to second Share Cropper's "amen." Maybe things will settle down a bit now. Your grandchildren are blessed with a very cool Grandmère.

  4. My prayers are for you all, especially the children. Mine were 6 and 9 when their father and I divorced, and it was hard enough for them even though we parted friends (in fact, in some ways it was harder because there was visible conflict). It’s just plain hard, no matter what, because even though divorce is anything but rare nowadays, it is still a heavy blow, throwing akilter everyone’s expectations of how things were supposed to be. I pray for comfort, peace, and, in time, healing for all.

  5. Grandmère, your grands and your son and ex-d-i-l are all in my prayers. My husband and I divorced about two years ago, following a year and a half separation. It is always hard and heartbreaking. But the focus is most appropriately on the children. Even great hurt can be put aside (in my experience) once that truth has been fully embraced: the goal stops being to punish the person who hurt you so badly and starts being bringing up whole and happy children who know that both their parents love them.



  6. Peace to your family, and to you.

  7. Thank you all for the prayers and support and kind words. As I was sitting in the courtroom the wonderful words of Julian of Norwich came to mind:

    All shall be well
    All shall be well
    All manner of things shall be well

  8. Mimi,

    Your family is so blessed to have you, especially those grandkids.



  9. Mimi,
    You and your whoole family are in my prayers.
    All indeed shall be well.


  10. Muchas gracias.
    Merci beaucoup.
    Grazie mille.
    Thank you. All of you.

  11. Being an Easter people, we know that life can come out of death. Here is a prayer for new growth for you and your family.

  12. KJ, the new life will come. I'm convinced that it will come.

  13. Mimi--somehow I missed this news. Life will be different, but I pray that you will all find moments of grace and hope in the days to come.

    My ex and I are about to try and finalize all the legalities. In NC, you have to be physically separated for a year before you can even file for a divorce--unfortunately, that means that all the passions that have died down in the last year are about to be reignited by the need to separate assets.

    Funny--we can co-parent just fine, but start talking about money and things get unpleasant fast...

    There are some hard days ahead of us, and I could use some prayers of my own. Thanks.

  14. Prayers for Doxy --- Peace of Christ.

  15. Doxy, I will pray for you and your ex that you can come to a peaceable settlement. The money settlement is yet to come for my son and his ex.

    I have already found moments of grace and hope in the midst of the trials and difficulties.


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