Thursday, July 19, 2007

Young College Republicans

Here's a link to a video from Talking Points Memo titled "The Few, the Brave," which shows Max [Blumenthal] spending some quality time at the National College Republican Convention last week.

The video is funny, but when you think about what's happening in Iraq now, it's not so funny. It's madness.


  1. Mimi, I saw this at my daughter's blog Sad. She'd much prefer you to being her grandmother than the only one she has right now, who is on the ultra-conservative religious right.

  2. Well, even some of the ultra-conservative right-wingers that I know are beginning to have enough of the war and Bush/Cheney.

    Reality sets in eventually, it seems, for most people.

  3. I love your blog. Just came across it recently. (I'm new to blogging, too.)

    This video is scary. But I did enjoy the interpretive dance. Oh how they rushed him out of there once they realized who he was!


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