Friday, August 3, 2007

One Small Sad Story

A sad snippet from Juan Cole's daily post on news from the Middle East. This from Reuters:

KIRKUK - Police found the bodies of five brothers, all day labourers, who had been kidnapped near al-Rashaad district 40 km southwest of Kirkuk a day earlier. A sixth brother, six or seven years old, was found nearby unharmed.

Multiply stories like this many times, and you get a picture of the suffering and grief we have brought to a country which had done us no harm.


  1. And, Grandmère, we don’t even bother to list Iraqis as war casualties. I find that beyond sad. I find that to be criminal. Our Lord must be crying.

  2. I've just heard about the Korean group as being kidnapped. Thank you for posting this. I needed the re-awakening to the Iraqis as suffering as much as others, in their own land. How sad for that family. No wonder it rains so much these days--God is crying.

  3. God weeps. I weep. The way I wrap my head around the tragedy of Iraq is to pay attention to the individual stories of real people.


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