Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"Attention must be paid!"

Once again it is my sad duty to take note of another corner turned. According to Iraq Casualty Count 3800 American troops have been killed in Iraq, with the numbers of wounded standing at 36,943, and 122 dead from self-inflicted wounds. I keep the turning of the 100s.

That's not counting those wounded in mind and spirit, many of whom get less than optimum care once they return home. That's not counting the large percentage of families broken by divorce among those who have served.

According to Iraq Body Count between 73,606 – 80,224 Iraqis have been killed in the war. I have seen other numbers, but all are estimates, therefore, for today, I will go with these.

All these casualties for what?

"Attention must be paid!"

For those who have died:

Deliver your servants, O Sovereign Lord Christ, from all evil, and set them free from every bond; that they may rest with all your saints in the eternal habitations; where with the Father and the Holy Spirit you live and reign, one God, forever and ever. Amen. "Book of Common Prayer" (paraphrase)

For those who have been wounded in body, mind, or spirit:

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sicknesses may be turned into health, and their sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. "Book of Common Prayer" (paraphrase)

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.


  1. God have mercy on us and forgive us our sins.

    Amen amen... I can't even say anything other than that.

  2. I came to your site to find someone with whom to commiserate - you did not disappoint. Thanks for noticing. I hate this war.

  3. I hate this war, too. I try not to miss the turn. It's the least I can do.

  4. I am glad you are counting the cost... Literally. But what we can't count is the books and poems not written, the children not loved, the contributions that die with each person. I think it's almost a blessing that we can't know the fullness of these losses.

    Thanks for counting.


  5. Mimi, thank you for bringing my attention to this important fact. Did you read Quaker Dave's story about his former student joining the Marines? He touched my heart. Go to

  6. thank you for noticing, and also for praying.

  7. Lindy, if we could count the real cost of the war we would be driven mad.

    Diane, I had to copy the prayers. I had no words coming.

    Jan, I read about J. You want to cheer for him and cry for him at the same time.

    What a waste of the J's of this world in this brutal and useless war.

    Here's a link to J's story that might work a little better.


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