Sunday, September 2, 2007

From Prior Aelred

I received an email from Prior Aelred at St. Gregory's Abbey, in Three Rivers, Michigan, with this at the bottom with his signature:

Cogito ergo sum Episcopalian
- Prior Aelred

I like that. No offense meant to my friends in other denominations. I know that you're thinking people, too, or you wouldn't come here to visit.


  1. The good Prior Aelred is one to look out for--a joy whenever he appears.

    Lucky Mimi.

  2. I agree- signed, hopefully thinking Catholic.

  3. It seems it should be "Episcopalium" to go with the rest of the Latin, but I'm not going to be picky.

  4. I used to have that one as the tagline on my blog until Josh Indiana gave me a new one... (I loathe the Evil Wal-Mart, but that quote still makes me laugh!)

  5. "... you're thinking people too or you wouldn't have come here to visit." so true. (and, I served a Presbyterian church just down the road from Three Rivers from Feb. 02 to Oct 04 ... regretfully, I didn't meet Prior Aelred)

  6. :)
    No offense taken. I thought I had seen it before...

  7. I dream of spending a few quiet days at St. Gregory's Abbey before I get too old. If only it wasn't so far away....


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