Thursday, November 15, 2007

Desmond Tutu Again

If you'd like more of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, here's another video from the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. Archbishop Tutu, the renowned cleric, activist and author spoke on “The Spirituality of Reconciliation.”

If that link doesn't work, go to the home page of the National Cathedral and click on "Archbishop Desmond Tutu Address" on the right, above his picture.


  1. Grandmere Mimi, thanks for the post. Have a blessed day!

  2. Whiteycat, isn't he a wonder? Don't you feel compelled to give him a hug? A real hug would be best, but virtual is next best.

    (((((Desmond Tutu)))))

  3. I had the supreme pleasure of meeting and photographing Tutu when he visited our cathedral in '04. He is tremendously charming in person. I took several hundred images of him, two of which hang in our church. By the way, not only did we shake hands, but he high-fived me!

    More hugs for Desmond! (((((((D. Tutu))))))))

  4. Whiteycat, I am a bright shade of green with envy that you got a high-five from our beloved Tutu. I'm jealous, jealous, jealous.

  5. To be the only one in a room with our Bishop and Tutu was totally AWESOME!!! You are entitled to an even brighter shade of green!

  6. Oh, Mimi, what kind of player do you have to have to actually look at this stuff? I have an iMac and it won't play anything from most of the Episcopal Church sites. I thought we were an inclusive church!

  7. susan s., I watch all the videos from the National Cathedral and the National Church sites on my Mac laptop and have no problem whatsoever. Do you have Windows Media Player (Mac version)? It is a free download. All the videos come over like a charm. Keep me posted, OK?

  8. Whiteycat, thanks. I could not have given Susan help on a Mac. I use Windows Media Player, too, on a PC.


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