Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Maybe They Hugged It Out"

From the Associated Press via the Tucson Citizen:

Mascoutah, Ill., school officials have resolved their dispute with the parents of a 13-year-old girl given detention for hugging her friends.
Melissa and Dean Coulter met with officials of the Mascoutah School District 19 to discuss the two detentions given their daughter, Megan, for hugging friends goodbye for the weekend. School officials said the eighth grader violated a policy banning public displays of affection.

“I’m grateful they sought this meeting and we could have a level of discussion that helps us both understand each other’s concerns more clearly,” McGowen stated.

Coulter said McGowen was very receptive during the meeting, and that the family is satisfied with the district’s promise to at least look into revising the policy.

Surely the school officials have better things to do. I've seen my granddaughter and her friends hug each other good-bye at school on more than one occasion. That's what pre-teen and teen-age girls do. Thank goodness her school exercises more sensible judgment before handing out detentions for PDAs.


  1. Wow! I would have been expelled for sure! I was known for hugging in high school. I'm a big fan of hugs. They are good things.

  2. Emmy, hugging is big in the South. Detention for showing a bit of affection? I wonder if a pat on the shoulder is forbidden under their rules.


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