Saturday, December 29, 2007

Brother Causticus Is Back And Travelling

His robes don't hang in neat folds as in the picture. They are flying. Just go read. No, I can't give you a snippet. Read the whole thing.


  1. I missed him, too. I hope he keeps in touch for a while. I worry when folks disappear from the internet for long periods without explanation. However, you can see from his picture that BC a very private person.

  2. Mimi, what great news! TBTG!!!!

    I mighta been headed to the dumps, but the Dread Pirate Lisa got pissed off, and left, which worked, I think.

    Who woulda thought Holy Innocents could bring out a grieving eye?

  3. Johnieb, forgive me, who is Dread Pirate Lisa? Your BFF?

  4. I have known many many clever people in my life, but Brother Causticus is far and away the most brilliant person I have ever read.

    I wish I did know him. His taciturnity only makes him more fascinating.

    If anyone can find a solution to the Current Unpleasantness, it is Brother Causticus.

  5. Agha, I agree. He is brilliant. That he drops his pearls of wisdom infrequently makes him all the more interesting.

  6. Mimi,

    sorry: she's a fellow cathedral member and good friend.


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