Sunday, December 2, 2007

Clumber's Gift Suggestions For Anglicans

Clumber, that absolute genius of a dog, has several excellent gift suggestions for your Anglican friends.

Are Episcopalians Anglican? I'll leave that to the genius canine to answer.


  1. See Wikipedia Entry "If-You-Want-To-Be-Here-We-Want-You-Here".

  2. Clumber, I'm led to the closed down, empty Anglican Pub. I guess we Episcopalians are not Anglicans, then.

  3. The Anglican Pub got closed by order of the department of health. But of course it all depends on what you mean by Anglican. And I for one am an Episcopalian and Anglican. There are probably those who are one or the other, but there's been too much talk, not enough gumbo for my tastes.

    You know, I think it is astonishing what MP has done with the Christmas drive. That's the church I want to be a part of. The one that's generous of spirit, willing to reach out to anyone. There are times I feel like I'm part of 2 communities of church, the local one and the web one. Isn't that astonishing?

  4. "given up on me and stopped visiting"????

    I'm hurt - heartbroken, even!

    you can give up on my blog after we shared an afternoon of Dutch masters.

    oh well, just for you I started posting again.

  5. Dennis, you have to write. But I understand with the studying and work and all. It's hard.

    At first glance, I thought the Dutch masters was a kind of wine, and I was about to say, "What wine?"

    You know, Dennis = wine. Time for me to quit for the night.

  6. Clumber, it is astonishing. What is also astonishing and somewhat alarming to me is that I sometimes feel as close to the folks in the virtual community as to those in my real life community.

    I'm somewhat of an oddity in my own church, but online I seem to have latched on to a bunch of other oddities who make me feel not quite so strange.

    You're a smart old dog, you know.

    The Christmas drive is a wonder.

  7. Mimi, you may be an oddity there but you are not odd. You are obviously a follower of Jesus. I don't know who the people in your church, the Dio of Pgh, the Dio of FW and elsewhere follow but they seem to have missed Jesus's directions. {{{Mimi}}}

  8. Piskie, the people in my church are good people. I don't mean to imply anything else. I live in a conservative part of the country. My political views are different from most folks in my area.

    My views on the turmoil in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion are very likely different from most folks in my church. I don't talk to them about it much. Many parishioners go on with the work of the church without paying attention to what's happening in the wider church. Perhaps, they are wiser than I am. Sometimes, I wish I could be like them.

    Make no mistake. Most of my fellow parishioners are about the work of the Lord. Many outshine me in the quality and quantity of their good works.

    It's not them. It's me.

  9. I've waded into deep thought here, but Mimi, I wanted to let you know that I've tagged for a, er, meme on my blog.

    God bless. :)

  10. Polly, thanks for tagging me, but I've given up tags for Advent. In fact, I've given them up all year round, and now I don't do them at all. They call for too much thinking.

    Thanks for visiting.

  11. Grandmère Mimi, I know you are trying to access my blog. Any luck? You might try the link over at MadPriest's or the one on Rowan's blog: It's in the sidebar.

    I think Clumber is a pretty smart dog. What I'd like to see, though, is an Anglican Magic 8 Ball where you can ask whether or not the schism will be today... not likely, maybe tomorrow, ask again later. I think that would be helpful.

    I know what you mean about finding a home in the blog world. I am glad we've all found one another.

    Clumber, Rowan says WooF Baby! We both love you.


  12. Lindy, I can access all your blogs but "My Fascinating Blog". I can get to Rowan's, the tomato blog, the movie blog, but not the main one, not even when I go from one of the others or from a link on another blog.

    I'm glad we oddities all found each other, too.

    Tell Rowan that Diana gets better every day, and she is now quite spoiled.

  13. Lindy - your prayers are answered - go here for your Jesus answers your question magic 8 ball. That Kaeton Woman had one at General Convention - it made our decision making so much easier.

  14. The Dutch Masters is a golf tournament, Mimi. Glad to hear Diana's still on the mend.

  15. Ann, my eyes! That pink Jesus nearly blinded me.

    Lapin, I know that.

  16. Nothing was wrong with it, Clumber, nothing. Down you old dog. It was perfect.

  17. Did you also see Clumber's post, in the sidebar, about the newly-appointed bishop for the Convocation of Episcopalians in Nigeria (CEN)? I understand that this is a preview - on another model obviously, no-one could suppose that this is the bishop in person - of the robes specially designed for theMad Bishop.

    No idea what Stephen Fry is doing in the top right-hand corner of the picture.


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