Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Message from SusanKay

Blogger susankay said...

G'mere -- Please -- my beloved dog is very sick. We see the vet tomorrow. Pray for healing which I realise is not the same as cure. For me (selfishly) as well for Molly the wonder dog. St Laika pray for us.

December 25, 2007 8:09 PM


  1. SusanKay, prayers ascend for you and Molly for healing. St. Laika, intercede for Molly and Susan.

  2. Dear Molly the WonderDog,

    I give love. I ask Dear Baby Jesus for Healing for you. St. Laika has Powerful Access to the Baby Jesus and she will ask him to make you Better.

    Susan, remember that we dogs love you Even More than you can know. Be of Good Cheer because God will Take Care of you and Molly and give you Comfort.

    Love from me!

  3. I hope that Molly feels better very soon.

  4. Thank you all -- we will now spend the night in prayer. She is so sweet. And so confused why I can'r make her well. Bless you all.

  5. Holy Laika and Kazan, join your prayers to ours for Molly and Susan.

    Thank you, Jesus, for all the friends of all species joined in the web of life and of prayer.

    Deep peace be yours.

  6. Molly update -- she is now at the vet's (where they also love her dearly) and will get IV fluids and stuff to calm her GI system while they try to figure out what's wrong with her. Again -- she and I both thank you for your prayers

  7. SusanKay, thanks for the report. Prayers for Molly and you continue.

  8. Another update: She apparently has an infection related to her liver. They will try high doses of antibiotics to see if they can knock it out. She's in the vet hospital until Friday at the earliest. She has had liver problems before and we thought we had them managed so this is worrisome. She is, however, feeling better and is hard at work ensuring that all the vets and vet tech's have well-washed ears -- her specialty. We thank you all for continued prayers.

  9. Any updates on Molly? Prayers for both Molly and SusanKay.

  10. Fran, I have heard nothing further, and I don't have an email address for SusanKay.

  11. Franiam & G'mere & all the other wonderful friends: Update as of Dec 28 at 6:30 mountain time: We just brought her back from the vet. She has lost almost 5 lbs but is finally eating a little. She continues on new antibiotics and will have follow up liver function tests next week. We do not know what caused this or what prognosis is but she is so very happy to be home with us -- and you must know we feel blessed as well. God is good and Laika is a wonder. My e-mail is stammill at aol dot com, if you need it. Please continue prayers.

  12. SusanKay, I'm so glad that Molly is home. I'm sure that will help her get better. We will continue our prayers. Thanks for the update.


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