Thursday, January 31, 2008

Do I Know The Bible!

You know the Bible 100%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Paul linked to this quiz at his site. He is another who scores at 100%. I'm rather surprised that I scored 100%, (I promise I did not steal Paul's results!) since I came to my knowledge of the Bible mainly as an adult, not having memorized Bible verses in Sunday school as a child. I see from Paul's comments that Padre Mickey scored 100%, but I believe that he memorized Bible verses as a child, too.

Having said that, some of the choices in the multiple-choice test were ridiculous, and one would know immediately that they were not the correct answers. It is a silly quiz, as Paul says.


  1. That was fun. Also got 100%, tho' I winged it on Eliphaz & his buddies. I'll know for sure next time, won't I?

  2. As Padre Mickey says, I think we should make a list of all of us who score high and throw at the reasserters who say we don't know or care about the Bible.

  3. I nicked it from Diane. Challenged the Lutherans to come up with a less silly, real Bible quiz for us.

    Ah, reminds me of "sword drills" in my youth. LOL And I was on my high school team for Youth for Christ Bible quizzes too. There was a time I almost had all of Romans "memorized" (could probably identify chapter and verse for almost any quote or complete the sentence, though I could not have recited it).

  4. Well I got 120%: testament to the superior nature of British education.

  5. Ah, reminds me of "sword drills" in my youth. LOL

    But, Paul, see what a gift you are to us now? It was all worth it.

    And DP, you give us the braggart in the bunch. There's always one.

  6. 100% as well. A couple guesses but mostly pretty obvious stuff.


  7. May we say the test is easy, now? Perhaps you should report in only if you don't get 100%, if you're not too embarrassed.

  8. Well, natch. DP took it using the original Hebrew and Greek texts, so it's no wonder he got 120%.

    Then again, how is he at maths?

  9. Paul, I never ask anyone about their maths.

  10. Mimi, it took me twenty years and then some of living in this country to get used to Americans doing "math", not "maths" (same with "airplane"/"aeroplane") and now here you are doing it the wrong way round.

  11. Lapin, it's the evil English influence corrupting me.

  12. RR, you're not sure how old you are? I was going to help you cheat a little, but I can't help you with that one. You could ask your wife.

  13. I thought maybe 100% was a Southern thang. Pretty basic, though I really thought the answer was "Don Knotts".

  14. But Grandmere, I was/am trying to answer Question #1 in a biblical way!!!

  15. Johnieb, you're pulling my leg.

    RR, in biblical years, you're second only to Methuselah. Does that help?

  16. 100% here. Some of it was ridiculous. Yes guessed Job's friends too but have trouble remembering my own friend's names these days. Not sure but may have told a lie in saying had read all the Bible but, being brought up an evangelical, I spent 40 years with Scripture Union, may have skipped some of the 'begats" however.

  17. I got 100% too, but I don't know why. Some of it I guessed. Are you sure anyone can flunk this test?

  18. Oh my, sensitive post-evangelical gay boys, such as Paul and myself, could phone this test in. I don't think the retro-pharisees would be much impressed. In fact, I'm thinking that a lapsed Episcopalian would get 90%.

  19. Did anyone get less than 100%? Please report in. There's a prize for you.


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