Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pearls From The President

During a press conference in Ramallah, our president drops these pearls of wisdom:

I said, nudge the process forward -- like, pressure; be a pain if I need to be a pain -- which in some people's mind isn't all that hard. And they said, well, like -- yesterday, somebody said, well, are you disappointed? I arrived and it nudged the process forward.

Just being there....

And to me, that's how you solve the issue in the long-term. And the definition of long-term, I don't know what it means. I'm not a timetable person -- actually, I am on a timetable -- got 12 months.

And can't we all raise a glass to that, all the while wishing the months were fewer than 12?

Thanks to Holden at First Draft for doing the hard work of separating the chaff from the really rotten chaff.


  1. And a quote from the "GWB Out of Office Countdown " Calendar: 376 days left : "Who could have possibly envisioned an erection -- an election -- in Iraq at this point in history" Washington, DC, January 10, 2005

  2. SusanKay, that one rates high in the worst quotes category.

    I went to the website, and I think I like the toilet paper.

  3. "This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve."

    ... Dubya speaking during "Perseverance Month" at Fairgrounds Elementary School in Nashua, N.H. As quoted in the Los Angeles Times, Jan. 28, 2000

  4. Poor kids. I hope they didn't pay attention. How did the teachers keep from bursting out laughing? We could go on all night. There's lots of material to work with.

  5. "Preservation Month?" Maybe he thought it was something to do with strawberry jam. Yummy.

    God Help America.

  6. Words fail me. Evidently they fail W too.

  7. PJ, even though he got the word wrong, he got the idea right, in that he perseveres in butchering the English language.

    Paul, words fail Bush and me quite often.

    David, I don't do memes. I will do this one meme just for you, my friend, OK? This one will take me into 2009. I'll have done my meme for the year, OK?

  8. Some more Bushisms here and here. Ode to me and Make the pie higher.
    It would be funny if it weren't so depressing.

  9. Ann, thanks. A couple of my favorites:

    Eliminate the death tax, so that people who build up assets are able to transfer them from one generation to the next, regardless of a person's race.

    "Death tax" sounds good, but it's truly not possible to tax dead folks, regardless of their race.

    George Washington, the first president, of course. The interesting thing about him is that I read three---three or four books about him last year. Isn't that interesting?

    Yes, the only thing interesting about George Washington is that Bush has read three or four books about him. Before this exercise by our president, he was not interesting at all.

    Who will write the book about Bush reading three or four books about Washington? Now that will be a book!

  10. If y'all aren't gonna change the subject, I'm a gonna leave.

    I heard on NPR on the way to my Vets meeting, before I turned the volume off so I wouldn't have to listen to the quote which probably followed, the evil little scum was in Palestine/ Israel. I figured it's because he's trying to get back in the news after all the media attention to others, including (shudder) the Democrats.

  11. Johnieb, I heard all about it at church this morning. The pastor (RCC) is a Bush ADMIRER, and he always gives us a little gospel according to Bush. I go when my grandchildren have a part to play, you see.

    I'll have to write about that. Bush visited the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem today, and we were all asked to applaud for him.

  12. "For those of us who practise the Christian faith, there isn't a more holy site than where our saviour was born," Bush said as he came out of the church.

    How the man (I use the term generously) dares to speak as though he practiced the Christian faith I do not know. It seems the irony of his visit to the Mount of the Beatitudes was quite lost on him as he thinks his presence in the Middle East is as a peacemaker. And I am the Queen or Rumania!

  13. Paul, I see that I will have to tell my barf-inducing church story.

    And I am the Queen or Rumania!

    You may not be the Queen of Rumania, but you are the Queen of Your Little Plot of Ground.

    Sorry. I couldn't help myself. The devil made me do it.


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