Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Through the Eye of Katrina"

The current issue of the Journal of American History focuses on Katrina.

This special issue of the Journal of American History, “Through the Eye of Katrina: The Past as Prologue?” provides a compelling first take on the history surrounding the disaster of Hurricane Katrina and its impact on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Twenty articles and essays, written by scholars who specialize on areas that surround this topic, discuss the Katrina disaster through multiple lenses, including political, urban, environmental, architectural, and musical history.

The articles, pictures, audios, and videos are available online. Scout Prime at First Draft beat me to this one.

Image from the Journal of American History.


  1. Ooo. Thanks for the heads-up.

    I wrote to Bishop Jenkins' Canon to the Ordinary about doing field ed in NOLA. He wrote back.

    We shall see.

  2. Kirstin, I hope that the field ed in NOLA comes to be. How're you feeling today?

  3. Stiff, a bit sore still.

    More exhausted, and energized, than I've ever been at the same time.

    Thanks for asking.

  4. PJ, thanks for the hugs. Kirstin and I are yoked together for life, for better or for worse. I hope it's better for you soon, Kirstin.

  5. It will be. I see my doctor on Wednesday. Mostly what I'm thinking about now, is how to come back here.

    Very happy to be yoked together with you, however it came about!

    And with the rest of this crazy crew.




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