Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Balloon Crucifix - What next?

According to the person who posted the photo, the balloon crucifix was made for a skit in a Baptist church. My faithful correspondent, Lapin, sent me a better picture, but I was not able to lift it.

Image from One Bread One Body.


  1. I guess they are thinking that those tee-shirts are tasteful too...

    Leave it to the Baptists.

    I still prefer Milk Chocolate Jesus:
    Remember him from last Lent?

  2. Chocolate Jesus was da bomb!

    I can deal with the balloon crucifix (though you and Kirstin may need another 100 days in purgatory for propagating same), but the "Christian flag" in the background makes my flesh crawl. Too many memories.

  3. Paul, you're consigning me to extra purgatory just for not wanting to be alone in my eepitude?

    I was sharing my joy with you! Yes, that's it...

  4. That's your story, Kirstin, and I'm sure you're sticking to it, but I'm wise to your aesthetic anarchism and love of egregious kitschiferousness. Now I'm going to get some brain bleach.

  5. The balloon Jesus got me on a tear and I ended up buying some holographic new shades on ebay.

  6. I can heartily recommend the home page of the vendor, Mimi. Many many totally childish novelties.

    Last Supper lunchbox, anyone? Unperforated toilet-paper for the one you hate?

  7. Aesthetic anarchism... I love that!


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