Monday, April 7, 2008

"Breaking News" Knocks Off Rose-colored Glasses

From Think Progress comes a video from MSNBC of McCain speaking at the VFW National Headquarters in Kansas City, MO, about how wonderfully successful the surge has been in turning things around in Iraq and being interrupted by "breaking News" that seems to contradict his rosy interpretation of the situation there. Of course, I could be wrong.

Oh, please watch.


  1. This is the guy who said he could walk freely about Baghdad - turned out to be one market, wearing a vest, with dozens of guards and a helicopter gunship.
    I also love the way this bunch characterizes any Iraqi who opposes American occupation of their country as 'extremists' or 'al Quaida'.
    He is as scary as Cheney.

  2. Jim, should McCain be elected, I believe that he could be worse than Bush - something I once believed impossible.

  3. oh, that is classic.

    You can't hardly buy that kind of irony any more these days!

  4. I'm glad you posted the link or I would have missed this. Thanks. I sent the link on to friends and family.

  5. Lovely moment, isn't it? It should be shown over and over.


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