Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's So Good To Have "Friends"

My "friend", that clever old dog Clumber at Barkings of An Old Dog, came up with this PhotoShop. I knew that once I put up a real likeness on my site that it would be ill-used by "friend" and foe alike.

Folks in Louisiana have long known Boudreaux's Butt Paste as the best ointment around for diaper rash for babies. Now its popularity has spread far and wide, and the old dog said, I’m sure Mimi is thinking “If only I really had invented this stuff!”

If only.


  1. The boys only make fun of you because they want you to like them.

  2. I believe you could be right, PJ. They're still at the playing-in-the-school-yard stage in their emotional development.

  3. Isn't it amazing how this stuff carries over into cyberspace?

  4. Jane, absolutely. Cyberspace imitates life.

  5. Oh my! That naughty Clumber, that funny Clumber!!!

    Mimi you are a very good sport and you do soothe, so I think... Well nevermind!

  6. Fran, my new anthem is, "I am a soothing ointment". I don't have music or lyrics yet, but if anyone wants to volunteer....

    No. I take that back. Scratch that. Forget about it.

  7. It's a small price to pay for displaying a real avatar in the blogosphere. And worth it! Good to see Fran's real face, and countless others. Grandmere, your example is contagious! May many more catch the bug!

  8. RR. I like to see the faces, too, but I realize that there are those who, for serious reasons, do not wish to display their faces. It was a bit of a scary thing for me to do, but my picture was already in circulation on the internet. At first, I tried to Simpsonize myself, but I couldn't get that to work. It was a help that I had a recent photo that was reasonably true to life and not absolutely awful.

  9. This totally mytified me when I saw it at Clumber's. I am still reeling at the realization that there is an actual product on the market called "Butt Paste"! And that it is meant to be applied to the, er, butt! At first I thought maybe it was some kind of library paste. Just shows what a prim old schoolmarm I am. Well, I am taking note, as we are expecting a grandbaby in a few weeks and the parents will need all the help they can get.

    I agree with PJ. And I LOVE your photo. You are way cuter than Jane Austen.

  10. Sorry, 'mystified'.

  11. Mary Clara, what can I give you but my standard response, "Only in Louisiana"? Definitely keep the name in mind if the wee ones are troubled with diaper rash.

    Thanks for the good words about my picture. Almost anyone would be cuter than JA in that portrait. As an ardent admirer of her works, I have the fond hope that she was better looking than that.

  12. You kindly replied to my comment about the displaying of true faces, Grandmere, and I am reminded of an encounter some twenty-two years ago when I was a newly-ordained Deacon, taking the sacrament to those who were 'house-bound.'

    One glorious woman, her name was Milly, lived alone in a remote farmhouse (the working farm had been rented to tenant farmers) and would insist on "having communion" (sic) every week. Her age? Well even she could not remember. She had received her personal greetings from the Queen on her hundredth birthday, but none of us know when that was! We guessed (correctly, it emerged) that she was 107.

    I took her communion in the week before she quietly died. After the sacramental formalities I looked at her shining eyes, took her hand, and said, "Milly, you look wonderful!"

    Her smile and laughter just doubled her ancient wrinkles, and she replied: "You know what? In faith we are all beautiful. I wish more people could see that."

    Now that's an avatar!

  13. "You know what? In faith we are all beautiful. I wish more people could see that."

    Now that's an avatar!

    Oh, RR, well said. Mimi, I love your photo. I like seeing real people, but I understand wanting anonymity as well.

    'K, that said--butt paste? butt paste? butt paste?

    It's spreading far and wide, alright. *snicker*

  14. RR, what a lovely story. What Milly said is so very true. No wonder you remembered those wonderful words for 22 years. That means that by faith, Jane Austen is beautiful, and so am I, and you, and everyone. Yay!

    You should post the story on your blog.

  15. Missy! I love your picture, too. How are you?

    'K, that said--butt paste? butt paste? butt paste?

    It's spreading far and wide, alright. *snicker*

    Ok, OK, I've got the remote. I pressed the off button. There, there, now, you'll be all right.

  16. Yes, they make Bag Balm too. That was something we used on cows' udders in the winter. Now it's sold as hand cream. It's great stuff!

  17. Better Butt humor than being the butt of it, I always say!

  18. They're still at the playing-in-the-school-yard stage in their emotional development.

    Just remember, CD's mature, males don't. And another thing, this is my real picture too, ya know!

    And I have a long tradition of sophomoric humor (well, on my better days it rises to the level of sophomoric!).

  19. Susan, with respect to the name, you must admit that there's truly no comparison between "Bag Balm" and "Butt Paste". I'm sure that the bag balm works quite as well, though for a different purpose.

    Lapin, that's right. This one gave me a good laugh. It had context, you see. Context is everything.

    Clumber, if I could PhotoShop, I'd do a number on your real picture that would knock your socks off. Whoops! Immature old dogs don't wear socks, do they?

  20. Okay, Mimi. I'll be good. It's just that I've seen more BBP this week than I really cared to, and maybe that plus fumes from the diapers drove me slightly mad!

    But remember, I did make you an element of the APT, so I don't think I do these things maliciously! Think of it as a useful educational experience for the people out there who had never heard of BBP, and now their money will flow into La. and they'll have healthier, happier babies!

    I'll take a break from the Mimi PhotoShopping! Who knows though, maybe they'll like you on the label better than what they have, and even then you'd have a boatload of money coming in, plus public appearances (oh, look, it's the BBP lady!). Now that I think about it though, that sounds wrong too.


  21. Clumber, if I hadn't liked it and thought it was funny, do you think that I would have posted it front and center on my blog? I do appreciate that you included me in your APT as one of the few lay folks in the group. I need to get busy and post the honor on my sidebar, so everyone who visits can see it.

    That urine plus ammonia smell can get to ya. I know. My fingers have smeared more BBP on tiny butts than anyone would care to hear about. You wouldn't want to use as hand cream though, because it has kind of a strong smell. It might put folks off.


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