Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Multiculturalism At Work

A Jewish man was buying some items in a supermarket when he saw a black woman trying to get her young child to put down a candy bar he had picked off the shelf.

'Latrell,' she addressed him firmly. 'You put that down right now! It's not kosher!'

Intrigued, the young man decided to investigate. 'Excuse me, ma'am, are you Jewish?'

'No,' replied the black woman .

'So why did you say that?' he asked.

'Why? I'll tell you why. Because I see all the Jewish mothers saying that to their kids -- and it works, so I decided to try it.'

A clean one from Doug.


  1. Lindy, I thought you'd like that one, what with the Jewish connection.

  2. I love it!

    And it does work, too!

    I'm sorry I haven't been by to comment more often, my dear Mimi, but I've just been a combination of tired and busy. I'm well, and hope you are, too. Thanks for checking on me!!

  3. Oh, and you, too,Fran. I thought about you and my other Jewish American princesses. Glad y'all liked it.

    Hi, Mark. I'm glad you're well. Thanks for coming over.


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