Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dueling Signs

Who's the idiot?


  1. The people caught in the middle? At least that is what the cardinal is saying about us Anglicans, no?

  2. Caminante, my simple thought: I don't really give a sh*t about what Cardinal Kasper thinks we should do. I'm tired, tired, tired, of Anglicans and Episcopalians begging at Rome's door, and I'm tired, tired, tired of Rome's attempts at interference in our business.

  3. I'm feeling like it might be me....

    As for your sentiments regarding Cardinal Kasper, I could also give a shit less, and would like to see Rome STFU.

  4. I'm feeling like it might be me....

    No, no, no, no, no, Eileen! Stop it! Stop it right now! You are smart, funny, and beautiful, sistah. Never, never forget that. OK?

  5. Cardinal Kasper, get a clue! There is a perfectly wonderful Roman church right out the back door from the parish I now attend. The priest is a lovely, lovely man and I would not have a bit of difficulty getting along with him. . .BUT, I DO NOT WANT TO BE ROMAN! I love the Episcopal Church. I love the inclusiveness. I love the laity having a considerable voice in the decision-making. I was just reminded this past week in an EFM class that my baptism not only baptized me into church membership, but into the priesthood of the church--not the professional, ordained clergy, but the priesthood nonetheless. Is this the case with Rome?

  6. I am too deeply enamored of the Episcopal Liturgies and worship not to be an Episcopalian; I know some abide and even seem to thrive in the Roman Church, which is not identical to the Maneficent Hierarchy, I could not.

    Orthodoxy might be more temptation, but I don't think it is any longer speaking to the Laios, more than these priest-hagglers.

    As Peedge might put it; I'm right, me and my raggedy-tag ass Gypsies: yo!

  7. I sound a little angry up there, don't I? Well, I was quite annoyed with Cardinal Kasper at that moment. I'm even more annoyed when Anglicans seem to accede to the idea of the superiority of the RCC. Not that we're better, or that they're better. We are different, all God's people, but different.


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