Thursday, May 15, 2008

Keith Says It All

Rmj at Adventus has the video from Countdown of Keith Olbermann's examination of the great ongoing "sacrifice" that Bush has made in solidarity with those who have lost their lives in the war in Iraq. It's 12 minutes, but it's well worth watching. It makes you want to cry for Bush's pain. For some strange reason, Keith doesn't seem impressed.


  1. OMG, that is an amazing clip. I feel so relieved now to know that Bush knows the true meaning of sacrifice.

    Keith was very restrained. I would have have a much worse profanity than "hell." Of course, I'm not on television.

  2. This was pathetic. I could not believe that Mr "bring them on" would have the nerve to say such a thing.
    Did you hear Bush's speech to the Israeli Knesset today - he attacked 'people who would appease terrorists', referring of course, to Barack Obama. In fact, some of his people on background said it was aimed at Barack.
    I'm getting a little carried away, didn't mean to come over here and blog, just comment!
    (Check my blog for a great exchange on Chris Matthews today, if you missed Hardball.)

  3. Ruth, you know what he wanted to say. He would have been thrown off the air, if he'd said what he wanted to say.

    Jim, I did see it, and I was enraged. And Dana Perino, his press lady, had the nerve to say that he was NOT talking about Obama. That is what the Swift-boating of Obama will be look like. He's in league with the terrorists. It is despicable. But this time it may backfire. They've lied too many times, and folks may not buy it. What bottom-feeders. Rant on. I like it. I'll go read your blog now.

  4. Hard to believe, but truth is stranger than fiction. I'm glad he didn't use that as an example of "sacrifice" and ask us to do the same. I'd always though it was a lost opportunity to draw the country together to sacrifice our need for oil! (ha ha)

  5. Wow! What an articulate person! I don't have cable so I can't watch this stuff all the time, but I tell you whut! Wow!!

  6. Jan, that's another thing that infuriates me. No one but the troops and their families have been asked to make real sacrifices.

    Susan, Keith's rants are something else. It's a wonder his bosses permit them.


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