My word! I'm late in posting the news from the Pharisaios Journal of the Diocese of Wenchoster. The feast of Pentecost, or Whit Sunday, as they say "over there", is nearly upon us, and the bishop's column offers a preview of the exciting activities that will take place at the cathedral celebration of the feast day and opens a window into the excitement with which the bishop is anticipating his journey to Lambeth.
Hello! You know, I get very exsated before a jarney, end this forthcoming trip to Limbeth is no except-i-on. I know thet it is two months away, but I awlways start pecking arly for these things. I have drawn up a list, a little list, thet should stend me in good stead during may tame away: Wit weather vestments (well, it is July!), a spar mater, green Wellingtons (Cenon Pillover hes lent me har spar par), plinty of rugged underwar, end may Swiss Army pin-knife just in case. If any of you cen think of anything else I may kneed please lit me know.
We approach the great Day of Pintecost. Whit Sinday! May, what a spring joy! I will join the cwarboys at the top of the tar for the singing of the Whit Enthems – end we will awl be penting heavily. There are 412 stips, you know! Then orf to the Nane Bills to join the tenors end basses in the snug for a rind of Old Sheep Spittle. I will surely have to take a long nip thet afternoon.
Es we clean end prepar the green frontals for the long season ahead, may the Holy Spirt lead us into awl things – end show us the way home afterwards!
The Lawd bliss you!
+ Roderick Codpiecium
Are you with me in wanting to give a hearty "Hello!" back to Bishop Codpiecium after his cheery greeting? Sometimes I do, as I sit at my computer. I always go first to the bishop's column when I visit the site of the journal. The bishop's column and the always-wise words for the liturgical season from Mr. Grindle, the head verger, are my favorite features. It appears that Mr. Grindle has no special words for us this Pentecost. Perhaps he was too busy with preparations for the feast to have time to write.
While you're at the journal's site, be sure to explore the rich treasury of religious paintings, icons, pictures there.
The headquarters of the The Society for the Promotion and Inculcation of Theology, or SPIT, are situated at the cathedral. Here's the link to their most recent newsletter, from which I offer an excerpt from the spotlight article:
It has been suggested that the origins of S.P.I.T occurred when the healed blind men met each other. At first they were all excited about the miracle of sight that Jesus had given them, but as they talked about how Jesus had healed them, they began to discover some significant differences.
For some, the healing came with simply a touch from Jesus (Mt 9:29; 20:34). Another proudly boasted that he had enough faith so that Jesus didn't have to touch him to perform the miracle (Mk 10:52). Another meekly exclaimed that Jesus not only
touched him twice, but also "spit on his eyes" in order for him to see clearly (Mk 8:23). The final one really felt embarrassed to admit that even though a touch wasn't part of his healing, Jesus' "spit" wasn't enough. Jesus had mixed his saliva with dirt and put the mud on his eyes and then told him to go and wash in some pool of water (Jn 9:6-7). Since each one thought his healing was normal and better than the others, they divided into SPIT-ites and non-SPITites; muddites and non-muddites; touchites and non-touchites. Denominationalism was born.
Do read the entire article. If you're interested:
It is possible to enrol as an Affiliate member of SPIT. This commits you to nothing more than the promotion of SPIT thinking, and Affiliate members will receive no recognition of their affiliation whatsoever.
Images from the Pharisaios website.
UPDATE: From Susan S. in the comments comes a link to the Cathedral Film Society's program:
The Cathedral Film Society meets every Friday at 7.30 p.m. at the Bijou Film Theatre, Wenchoster. The programme for the Easter takes “Resurrection” as its theme.
“Arsenic and Old Lace”, “Murder most foul”, “4.50 from Paddington”, Blade Runner” and “Jean de Florette/Manon des Sources”.
Members: £5.00, Non-members: £7.50
Entry includes a glass of Pimm’s, a cucumber sandwich and a tub of toffee popcorn.
Visitors may join the Society at any performance.
Canon Augustus Dewdrop MA
Canon Precentor
Begging your pardon miss but I do hapologise for not putting pen to paper and writing my husual column for the diocesan newsletter you see I'm taking extended leave hafter Heaster a sabbatical really with the Dean's hencouragement and hattending a number of courses in hecclesiastical topiary vestment refurbishment and stain removal not to mention the long weekend learning to communicate better with foreign tourists raising the voice husing suble gestures of the 'and and the like I should be back on Trinity Sunday.
ReplyDeleteMr. Grindle, thanks for checking in and leaving a word. Enjoy your sabbatical, and learn from your courses. I await with anticipation your return on Trinity Sunday.
ReplyDeleteI am green with envy: a private note from Mr. Grindle himself.
ReplyDeleteAll I got for signing up was a note from "Tim", though he did compliment one of my entries; who he?
...who he?
ReplyDeleteJohnieb, I presume that "Tim" is one of the theologians-in-residence - or, at the very least, virtually in residence.
Love the illustration you put up, Mimi.
ReplyDeleteWho knew that Pentecost was the first Earth Day?
All the lovely propane saved, and all.
I greatly enjoyed reading the Film Society notice. Resurrection, indeed!
ReplyDeleteSusan, as often as I steal from their site, I haven't seen everything that's there.
ReplyDeleteDear Mimi,
ReplyDeleteI tried to become a member of SPIT by sending and email to the address given. It was identified as an invalid address twice! now I do not know what to do. What is your advice in this matter?
Bewildered in Berkeley
Susan, the same thing happened to me. Perhaps, "Tim" or one of the editors will do a fix.
ReplyDeleteI want to find a way to put their hembelm on me blog's sidebar; I'm sure they could benefit from the support, if only morally.
ReplyDeleteBladerunner! Jean du Fleurette/Manon du Source! With Pimm's and Cucumber sandwiches, plus sweet.
ReplyDeleteI remember being pleased to be able to follow Jean de Fleurette after only a semester of Introductory French; alas! All gone now, twenty years later.
As my memory of the spelling/ grammar indicates! Though I did consider "des".
ReplyDeleteA friend gave me videos of those and three others, including "Au Revoir Les Enfants", "La Femme d'à Côté", and "Le Retour de Martin Guerre", for which I am thankful. The subtitles are there, so I don't have to struggle.
ReplyDeleteJohnieb, as for the Wenchoster "hembelm" on your sidebar, there is a link to an email address for the editors on this page at the site that works for me. You could ask.