Thursday, May 15, 2008

Please Pray For Jack, Sr.

From Jack at The World of Doorman-Priest:

There may be sporadic posts...... Dad is in hospital! Seventy eight and now with no appendix and a perforated bowel. So prayers for Jack snr. please and for Daphne, left rather adrift and anxious, but with sense of humour intact!

UPDATE from Doorman-Priest: Thanks all. He appears to be a bit perkier and has gone from his own room to a room with three other chaps, which I take to be a good sign. He now also has a radio, so is in touch with the world again.


  1. Yes, Prayers for Jack and his folks.
    Also, Kirstin.... I dropped off at the hospital 30 minutes ago. I wait for someone to call and tell me when to come to pick her up. The actual surgery is scheduled for 1:00pm PDT.

  2. Prayers for all. Susan S -- I do appreciate your update on Kirstin's blog. We so worry for her.


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