Friday, May 16, 2008

"Thought for 05.15.08"

From Tobias Haller at In A Godward Direction:

Charitable feelings are of no use
without acts of charity.
Compassionate feelings are of no use
without acts of compassion.
Loving feelings are useless
unless they lead to acts of love.
The Priest and Levite may well have felt sorry
for the wounded man
as they steered a course past him,
and the Samaritan who stopped to help
may have been muttering
under his breath
at the inconvenience
the whole time.
How they felt
was immaterial to the wounded man.

I post these wise and wonderful words as a reminder to me.


  1. Well, that says it all doesn't it?

  2. I wish I had said them. I pray that I heed them.

  3. Those sixteen line = the Gospel of Jesus.

    So easy to read. So hard to follow.

  4. This is good. "How they felt was immaterial to the wounded man." Thanks for sharing.

  5. I read them there and thought that they were brilliant and read them here and feel that way again.

    Rural Rector is so right. Amen Amen Amen.


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