Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Amazing NASA Picture of Water on Mars"

With gratitude to Doug. I simply had to steal this from OCICBOV. It struck my funnybone, and I could not resist. As I said over there, "Doug, I love it. That's my kind of humor - easy to understand, no brain strain involved."

The other commenters were not nearly so kind. I hope that Doug's contribution receives a gentler reception here.


  1. It makes me smile. Not everything has to be Voltaire-level satire.

  2. Just shows how desperate the writers at OCICBOV are getting - MP - come home.

  3. Ann, I've run out of steam, except for what others send me.

  4. I like it. And it's a little cheaky ;=)

    Mr de Voltaire is nice when he is nice. Less when he is caustic.

  5. I swiped it from over there too, and sent it privately to a couple of friends.

  6. I'm glad to have a smile tonight!

  7. I felt moved to link to an old post that I stole from MadPriest, because no one else thought it was funny over there, so I gave it another chance here, because I burst out laughing as soon as I saw it. Make of it what you will.

  8. Don't have the NASA pic of Life on Uranus, do you?

  9. Phil, you're back! No, no pictures of Uranus. Do you have one that you'd like to share?

  10. Not only did the Yanks fake the moon-landing with their mock-up pictures, we now have this!
    Everyone knows that Mars Bars are made in Slough, England.
    Therefore, it's we English who have made this discovery of Martian H20

  11. Fr David, whatever you say. Who am I to argue with a descendant our former colonial masters?


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