Friday, June 27, 2008

The Annals Of Stupidity

Decorated Army Sergeant Darren Manzella has been discharged under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law banning lesbian, gay and bisexual Americans from military service, effective June 10. The Iraq war veteran was the first openly gay active duty service member to speak with the media while serving inside a war zone.

Mike in Texas has more on the story of Sergeant Manzella, who served honorably in Iraq, but was discharged because of the stupid "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy of the US military. His commanders and his fellow soldiers knew that he was gay, nevertheless, the bureaucracy knew best. He had to go.


  1. And let us not forget that this is happening in a time when combat readiness in our military is such an issue that they started letting certain convicted felons join just because they need the extra manpower.

    But nope, forget the need for extra manpower and toss the gay guy out. Those in charge would rather entrust our continued safety to people with crimininal records.

    I'd apologize for the rant, but it'd be a lie.

  2. Rant away, Seithman. Bill Clinton gave us that policy in one of his compromises. It was stupid then, and it's stupid now. Do you remember that near the beginning of the war the services discharged a number of translators who were knowledgeable in the languages of the Middle East because they were gay?

  3. Mimi, shockingly, Obama is apparently showing some interest in Sam Nunn as VA.

    Nun is the author of DADT.

  4. I guess they figure that (a) being gay is contagious and (b) all gays must be too "sissy" to fight.

    It is so comforting to have our country led by people with such antiquated views. It really gives me a sense of stability. I just hope they're watching where they're going so they don't fall off the edge of the flat earth.

  5. Mike, I know. Let's hope the Sam Nunn thing is simply a rumor floated by the Obama team to show he has muscle.

    Ruth, sometimes I'm tempted to despair.

  6. As I once heard comedian Margaret Cho say - "how can you win a war without lesbians?"

    The whole thing is so ridiculous.

    And infuriating.

  7. Here's another one for ya...

    Just to, you know, keep you updated.

  8. Wups, so Mike beat me to it. :) Same story tho.

  9. Someone or many ones are going to have a field day with this one. You can't make this stuff up.

  10. The list of co-sponsors of that amendment is pretty close to the list of the Lunatic Fringe of the Senate. No offense to anyone who may happen to live in one of the states they represent, but wow...

  11. Oyster at Your Right Hand Thief has the best headline on this one:

    Vitter, you gotta be shitting us

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Yeah, so who's gonna change his diaper now?

    (I deleted the earlier one because of a dumb-looking typo.)

  14. Yes well I suppose the US Army can afford to get rid of some heros in its midst. Just like we're so teaming with Christians in the church that we can afford to hound out the homosexuals amongst us.

    Makes sense!?

  15. Boaz, that makes a lot of sense. Often the gays and lesbians in the church community are the backbones of more than one ministry. And many congregations are shrinking. We can't afford to lose them, even from a selfish viewpoint.


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