Monday, June 23, 2008

Banned From GAFCON

From The Lead at the Episcopal Café:

The GAFCON leadership has a list of eight people who are not welcome to observe the proceedings under any circumstances. The list includes Colorado Bishop Robert O’Neill, Nigerian gay activist Davis MacIyalla, Louie Crew, Rev Colin Coward, Susan Russell, Scott Gunn and Deborah and Robert Edmunds.

If you would like to join the ranks of those who wish to be banned from GAFCON, go to the I Want To Be Banned By GAFCON, Too! website. You will need to sign up at Facebook, if you are not already.


  1. What an honor, to be banned by GAFCON.

  2. If I appear in the midst of the Most Holy Donatists congregating in Jerusalem, I hope that they will break into this old hymn from the Hymnal 1940: #407

    O Jesus, thou art standing, Outside the fast-closed door,
    In lowly patience waiting to pass the thresh-old o'er:
    Shame on us, Christian brothers, His Name and sign we bear,
    O shame, thrice shame upon us, To keep him standing there!

    O Jesus, thou art knocking: And lo! that hand is scarred,
    And thorns thy brow encircle, And tear thy face have marred;
    O love that passeth knowledge, So patiently to wait!
    O sin that hath no equal,, So fast to bar the gate!

    O Jesus, thou art pleading in accents meek and low:
    "I died for you, my children, and will ye treat me so?"
    O Lord, with shame and sorrow we open now the door:
    Dear Saviour, enter, enter, and leave us nevermore.

    They'll keep ANYONE out!!

  3. I feel honored that I was asked to join this group - the honorary papist!

    And Mimi -who knew that you were on facebook?

    I just asked to be your "friend!"

  4. Padre Mickey, you are now my friend. I wrote that you and I dated. I made that up, but I thought it would be fun to say it.

    RB, I think I understand. It's not that I don't want friends, but it appears that it could get to be overwhelming. I've already got tons of folks who want to be my friends. What does one do with people one's never heard of?

  5. I fear that men in my age group who register for Facebook could be potential child molesters, so I'll give this one a miss. FAGCON would be an appropriately in-your-face name for an Alternative Celebration.

  6. Padre M, if only that could be the GAFCON hymn. It would require a level of self-examination that they have not shown heretofore - too busy examining everyone else's unworthiness.

    Hymns in the news - how fun!

  7. Fran, I just registered, and I'm already overwhelmed with friends. Not that I don't like friends, but....

    Lapin, I'll leave it to you to set up FAGCON.

  8. Warning: Facebook can be addicting -- and you have a huge fan club around the world! No wonder everyone wants to be your friend.

  9. Ann, I'm already addicted to blogs and blogging. I don't know if I can afford another addiction.

  10. Mimi,

    I confessed that I did it to ya, but none of them were "new" friends; however, Blogger was down, so I am trying again.

  11. MP is not on the list so perhaps that is where he is after all.

  12. TheMe, did you pass by MP's house?

  13. Isn't it all reather hilarious?

    (but I am sure the Gaffeconites don't understand it ;=)

  14. Göran, it's funny, but I'm afraid that it's serious, too, because those folks are capable of making a good deal of mischief.

  15. Good piece by Richard Helmer on Episcopal Cafe today. Check it out.

  16. Jane, thanks for the tip. It's an excellent essay. Here's the link.

  17. What total insanity.

    First of all, would any of these people want to attend or observe? I'm guessing no, in which case I have to wonder what the point in banning them is.

    Of course, it also makes me wonder why the leadership doesn't want these people to observe the proceedings.

  18. The conference is getting entirely too much attention, and, unfortunately, I've contributed my bit to that.

  19. I like that it was pointed out on OCICBOV that GAFCON spelled backwards is NOCFAG. I think there's a message in that.

    I am honored that 2 of the 8 are at least "internet acquaintances" of mine! I always loved hanging with the bad boys and girls...

  20. I think there's a message in that.

    Kirke, I think so, too.


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