Monday, June 30, 2008

Ella Fitzgerald - Cry Me A River - Two

Here's No. 4. Susan mentioned that she liked this version from Ella, so here it is. Actually the sound is not bad.


  1. Yes, this is the one! It is so poignant. When I was listening before, I had closed my eyes, so I didn't see her holding the paper. I'm glad she put herself in such a vulnerable position. People need to know that we all need help sometimes.

    She had diabetes and really needed to hold the paper close, but the cameraman could have positioned the camera better.

    Thanks, Mimi.

  2. Susan, you're right. I've had second thoughts about it. The camera certainly could have been better positioned.

  3. I especially love the very last time she sings..."Now you say you're sorry" and they just leave it hanging in the air, sort of like watching the smoke rising from an extinguished candle.

    She just simply was the best!

  4. OK, this is the last word on
    her other specialty. The same concert in 1975.

    And I will quit after this.

  5. Susan, thanks. Tonight. Who else can scat like that? Louie Armstrong?


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