Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ella Fitzgerald - Cry Me A River

Here's No. 3. Use your mind's eye to see Ella on this one, but you don't need to imagine the gorgeous voice and great style. There is an old video of Ella singing the song, but the picture and sound are of poor quality.


  1. Jim, much as I like Julie London's version, I have to agree. Ella is tops.

  2. About the word 'plebeian, 'I found this in the Wikipedia entry about the song...

    "originally written for Ella Fitzgerald to sing in the film Pete Kelly's Blues (1955). But the producer insisted Hamilton remove the word "plebeian" since "audiences wouldn't accept a black woman in the 1950s using that word."

  3. Mimi, is the one in 1975 in Germany the one that you refer to as being bad sound? I actually like it the best.

  4. So. A black woman couln't sing "plebian". Audiences wouldn't accept it. What would they do? Throw rotten tomatoes at the screen? Feck 'em.

    The other was the one from 1975. I thought Ella was wonderful in the video. It was the papers in her face and how badly it was shot. I found all that distracting. Maybe I'll post it anyway. She sang the song quite differently from this version, but both are good.

  5. Oh Grandmere --yes, this one is best!

    I have a confession for you. I first listened to this at church this morning, between the 8am and the 10:30 service. I had it going full blast in my office....the choir director came, the assisting priest came, the kids came it--ohhh we all loved it!

    Thank you!

  6. Margaret, I love that story! That's the kind of comment that makes the trouble of blogging worthwhile. And what a prep for the service!

  7. Well, I finally listened to all three. I was reading blogs in the same room where Michael was watching TV the other day, so I couldn't enjoy the music. I really did like Ella the best. Thanks for the wonderful comparative music experience.

  8. Ruth, it will be four, because I'm going to post the video Susan mentioned - at least I think it's the same one.


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