Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Ask Myself...

From LapinBizarre, who insists, "No subliminal meaning in my sending it to you."

I believe him.


  1. Your drivelling is among the best to be found.

  2. Johnieb, I love ya, ya know. If it were not for Grandpère....

  3. This is why I don't keep a blog. I'm just not that interesting.

  4. Coounterlight, you're a shining light in the comments! Why wouldn't you be if you had your own blog?

  5. I know that ego drives a lot of my own blogging but there you have it. I try to keep the more boring parts of myself and my life out of it but know I don't always succeed. As with cable TV, I assume readers know how to scroll and to click away to other, more interesting and more informative, sites.

    You, however, are a delight. Very funny cartoon.

  6. perfect - I must add it to my blog - thanks!

  7. "Why wouldn't you be if you had your own blog?"

    Because it's just so much easier to freeload on other people's blogs...your's for example.

  8. For me, the blog is partly about being able to have an exchange with others about the church and politics without getting into a screaming match and partly about a place to rant to give poor Grandpère a rest from my ranting.

    Plus, I've met great people, both in real life and virtual life.


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