Saturday, June 14, 2008

Louisiana Legislators Double Their Pay

From the Advocate:

Reacting to public outcry and threats of recall, members of the House approved a legislative pay raise plan Friday that more than doubles — instead of triples — their base salary.

The amended plan, passed on a close vote, proposes a $20,700 increase in lawmakers’ base pay — putting it at $37,500 effective July 1. Lawmakers’ total compensation package would hit nearly $60,000.

Legislators would still be guaranteed annual increases in their base pay — without future votes. Future raises would be tied to changes in the Consumer Price Index.

While the citizens of Louisiana are hurting because of high fuel and food prices, the legislators more than doubled their pay, and they won't have to vote again on new raises, because the raises will be automatic. I note that theirs is a part-time job. (Thank God, or they would have more time to make mischief.)

My fellow Louisiana blogger, Jim, at JindalWatch, has excellent commentary on the on the whole sorry exercise.

Our whiz-kid governor strongly disapproves of the raise, but he will not exercise his veto power. He knows who's boss. As I said at Jim's place, "How can he possibly appear weaker? He's hunkered down, enclosed by his circle of protectors, operating in secrecy. He caves in when the legislature says, 'Boo!'"

1 comment:

  1. Mimi - it gets worse and worse. I just posted a new entry about bills that he vetoed last week - one that would provide for state aid in organ transplants for people who don't qualify for Medicaid.
    But he won't veto this one.


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