Friday, July 25, 2008

Back Home, But Busy, Busy, Busy


We're home! It's good to go, but it's good to be home, too. Much to attend to besides catching up online. The comments are now open again.

To entertain you dog lovers while I catch up is the picture above, of Murphy, the black dog, who is part Lab and part Newfoundland, and Bentley, who is a Golden Retriever along with Miss Molly on the left and her mama with her head cut off. Below is the royal Zoey, a Corgi (just like the Queen's!). Murphy and Bentley are sweet tempered dogs who let Miss Molly do with them as she pleases, including riding them. Bentley is affectionate to a fault, always wanting to play and retrieve what you throw and lie on top of you. He and Murphy are large, very large. Zoey is getting old and she pretty much keeps to herself, except to greet us with a few barks when we return to the house. They helped entertain us along with their human guardians.

The humans were super great hosts. I'll tell you more about them later and all about our activities while we were in Kansas City.



  1. Mimi -- So good to have you back.

    I'm sure you know that Susan Russell's mother has died while Susan is in England. Some of your readers might with to go to her Inchatatime blog to wish her well.

  2. Welcome back beautiful Grandmere Mimi!

  3. SusanKay, I was sorry to hear that news, but I didn't know quite where to go to express my sympathy. I will do that now.

    Thanks for the warm welcome, my friends.

    I had difficulty with the pictures for this post, but I finally got them straightened out. Blogger was giving me fits, too.

  4. welcome home and thanks for the dog pictures (the yellow one looks kind of like Scout!)

  5. So glad you're back home! The dog pictures are happy ones. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for the welcomes, Diane and Jan. Bentley and Scout do share something of a resemblance.

  7. How sweet the doggies!

  8. Göan, they are the very sweetest of doggies, at least the large ones are. A Corgi is a Corgi. The Queen's Corgis nip at her visitors.

    What happened to the "r" in your name?


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