Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bishop Gene Heckled During Sermon

From TransWorldNews:

Gene Robinson, an openly gay U.S. bishop was forced to stop his sermon at a west London church after a member of the congregation began to heckle him, calling him a “heretic” and demanding he “repent.”

Robinson began his sermon declaring the Anglican Church was tearing itself apart but was interrupted by the man who shouted it was the bishop’s fault for the fracture.

Robinson halted his sermon while a hymnal began playing. The man was escorted from the south west London church at which time Robinson resumed his sermon and asked for the congregation to pray for the man.

Here's the video from the BBC. It isn't pretty.


  1. No it isnt Pretty but VERY NEEDFUL!

  2. Oh that made me cry- both because of the sadness of the man's heckling and the depth of +Gene's compassion and love.

    Plus who could not love the Rector of that church, Giles. His face is pure kindness and love, like Gene's.

  3. Anonymous, you're not serious enough to even make up a name, but you hide behind your anonymity. Why should any of us pay attention to you? Unless you at least take the trouble to make up a name, I will delete future comments.

    Why is heckling during a sermon in God's house ever needful? Listen and disagree and express your disagreement in a more courteous manner at another time. This type of spectacle hurts your cause, rather than helps.

  4. Fran, yes. Poor heckler. Does he delude himself into thinking that he does himself and his cause any good? The godly and compassionate responses by Giles and Gene were an inspiration.

  5. I am surprised by someone acting like that in church. The priests showed God's love. I admire Gene more and more.

  6. There's also a rather wonderful BC clip of Bishop Robinson and Sir Ian McKellan being interviewed on what I take to be the "AM" program, about Gene's visit to the UK and the whole issue.

    Each time I read or watch a snippet of Gene Robinson speaking, I'm more astonished by the power and clarity, beauty, authenticity and intimacy with which God speaks through him -- I don't know how else to put it, but it almost gives me chills, and makes me understand what it might have felt like to hear one of the apostles testifying to their experience of Jesus and God.

    Harriet C.
    (essaying my second comment
    ever on your blog)

  7. Oh bother. A rather wonderful BBC clip, that is...


  8. Harriet, congratulations on your second comment! Your words are always welcome. I feel just as you do about Gene. God is surely giving him special graces to get through this trying period at Lambeth. It's a scandal that he is not allowed to be a part of the official gathering. He'd probably receive less media attention if he were part of the group rather than locked out.

    I posted a BBC video that I think is the same as the one you refer to.

  9. Bishop Gene is my hero. No doubt about it. I have too much temper to be him!

  10. Kirke, I could not BE him either. I don't have his saintly patience.

  11. There's another sample of the interviews ++Gene has been giving, this one to ITN, at

    (Thanks to The Lead for the link to the ITN coverage)

  12. Mimi,

    Thank God my blog is still so obscure and filled with thoughts on fine art. All the toxic anonymouses come to your blog, and to Mark Harris', and clutter the comments page. I'm so glad the right-wingers-on-a-search-and-destroy-mission couldn't give a rat's ass about art (or music, or literature, or science, or scholarship or anything civilizing). Otherwise, they'd be dumping turds in my punchbowl.

    Face it, Grandmere, they see you as a threat (you should be very proud of that accomplishment).

  13. Gotta love the congregation bursting out in hymn. Whether it was the organist, the vicar, +Gene, or someone in the crowd starting it, the hymn was just the right answer to the perseverating biker.


  14. Counterlight, me a threat? A harmless little old lady like me? See the "mouse" in "anonymouses".

    Nancy, the singing was brilliant idea to accompany the heckler as he was escorted out.

  15. "me a threat?"

    I'm sure Betty Tudor said the same thing to King Phillip II.


Anonymous commenters, please sign a name, any name, to distinguish one anonymous commenter from another. Thank you.