Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bishop Gene On Putney

From Canterbury Tales From The Fringe:

By now, you will have probably read about the service last night at St. Mary's, Putney. The church was filled to capacity, the music was glorious, the crowd was warm, welcoming and supportive. It was clear that everyone wanted to be there. Except that one person wanted to be there for different reasons.

As I began to preach, this youngish man with long hair and long sideburns, carrying a motorcycle helmet, stood and began to point his finger at me and scream, "Heretic! Repent!"

And then, on with the sermon. Though everyone seemed to appreciate it, it was not my best, and my timing felt off. I meant what I was saying, and it was all true, but I was distracted -- wondering if there were plans for further interruptions by possible collaborators in the heckling, still feeling the sadness, and absorbing the trauma of what had just happened. The communion proceeded, and I sat and watched the faces as they came forward to receive. (I was not distributing the bread, to make it absolutely clear that I was not presiding at the service, having not been given permission to do so.)

Read the rest about Nicky, the waiter, and about Emily, the young woman with cerebral palsy.


  1. It's people like +Gene which help me to keep believing that God will not abandon his church no matter what we do.

  2. RB, me too. Glad to have you back, love. You made my day yesterday with your post about your vacation - not the part about me, but the part about you.


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