Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bishop Gene With Ian McKellen

Andrew Marr of the BBC interviewed Bishop Gene Robinson and the great actor, Ian McKellen, who is also gay. Gene radiates the love of God in the interview, and Ian McKellen is, as always, a delight to watch. Here's a link to the

Here is a transcript of the video from the BBC.


  1. I saw this at MP's - brilliant.

  2. A wonderful witness to humanity, love and reason. If New Hampshire allied with Middle Earth can't convince people then who can?

  3. I am more and more impressed each time I see Gene Robinson. Imagine what a pressure-cooker he lives in! The phrase "grace under pressure" could have been coined for him.

  4. Apropos Sir Ian-you may get a chance to get even more delighted with him next year when PBS shows his King Lear (and possibly a little more than that)

  5. Oh my. The Jefferson quote, the story about all the young people knowing Leviticus (which brought me to tears). This was a great interview.

  6. Kishnevi, that's great news! I see they're already stressing about the nude scene. Really. How many among us have never seen a willy?

    Ruth, I loved the Jefferson bit, too. Those two know how to make their points to the best effect.


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