Monday, July 14, 2008

Driving Drunk And Left Of Center

From the Daily Comet:

THIBODAUX – Nicholls State University’s student-affairs director was arrested early Saturday for drunken driving after a state trooper allegedly observed him driving on the wrong side on a city thoroughfare.

Eugene Dial, 52, the university’s vice president of Student Services, was brought to the Lafourche Parish jail where he was issued a court summons for driving while intoxicated and driving left of center.

Dial maintains a high profile on the Nicholls campus because of his involvement with student safety and security issues. He also wrote the school’s first drug- and alcohol-abuse grant, he said.

One wonders why Eugene volunteered that bit of information.


  1. Maybe he's planning on offering the evil twin defense. "That wasn't really me driving, your honor. I know better. It was really Mr. Hyde."

  2. Ruth, did you note that his lawyer is the mayor?

    I hope I've learned my lesson. If it can happen to a 52 year old man who is involved in the community, than it could happen to me, a 73 year old granny who is involved in the blogging community.


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