Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hey, Watch This

I'll have family visiting today, including five rambunctious children, age 8 to 13, so you may have to spend your time here watching TV. If I have time to do a post or two, I will, but I doubt it.

I see that MadPriest has directed the ladies over here for advice on how to please your husbands. I won't have time to answer your questions today, but perhaps another day. One bit of general advice, ladies: you can't say "no" ever, because your husband's purity is important above everything. If he fails to remain pure because you're tired, or you have a headache, or the children need you, it is definitely all your fault for not pleasing him and seeing to it that "he goes out each day with his cup full".

Tnanks to Susan S. for the link to the video.



  1. Our Wyoming Senators and Representative are so far gone that cases of this spray would not help.

  2. I am devastated that our Democratic senators capitulated to Bush on the FISA bill. Why did they do this? I heard Russ Feingold speaking about how disappointed he was. I'd take him for our president in a heartbeat.

  3. we would be happy to have a Dem.

  4. President Feingold! YEAH!!!

    I hope you had fun with the grands yesterday. :)

  5. PJ, we passed us a good time. They kept us laughing and scolding. Although I enjoyed their visit, I was exhausted at the end of the day. All five wanted to spend the night, without their parents, and I said, "Sorry, kids, not tonight."

    Feingold would be a great choice for another first: first Jewish president.

  6. I'm glad you told the kids to go home with their mommies and daddies, Mimi. Otherwise, Grandpere might have had an affaire and it woulda been all your fault.

    My browser clock says it's 1234 in the a.m., and that might have something to do with the content of this post.

  7. Kate, that is entirely possible, but that's not what held me back. I was bone tired. See post above for full details.


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