Thursday, July 31, 2008

More Good News

From TPM Muckraker:

The House Judiciary Committee has won the first round of its lawsuit against the White House over contempt of Congress in House Judiciary Committee v. Harriet Miers et al.

From the order:

"Harriet Miers is not immune from compelled congressional process; she is legally required to testify pursuant to a duly issued congressional subpoena from plaintiff; and Ms. Miers may invoke executive privilege in response to specific questions as appropriate."

and that. . .

"Joshua Bolten and Ms. Miers shall produce all non-privileged documents requested by the applicable subpoenas and shall provide to plaintiff a specific description of any documents withheld from production on the basis of executive privilege consistent with the terms of the Memorandum Opinion issued on this date."

Yes! Thanks be to God for the courts. Let's pray the House Judiciary Committee wins future rounds. The folks who worked for the Cheney/Bush maladministration are not above the law.


  1. But they will try every trick in the book to avoid the law....

    Come round my place more often ;)

  2. You're right, Caminante. They'll try every trick.

    Come round my place more often ;)

    I can but try. Today I'm visiting around trying to make up for my long absences from certain blogs that I enjoy.

  3. I wonder if Harriet and Josh will find it necessary to take a trip out of the country like Karl did?

  4. Could be, Padre. They're a slippery bunch.

    Did you notice Bishop Barahona's words on my sidebar? Thanks to you. I sent them to Bishop Jenkins, noting that I agreed with him.

  5. Thanks so much for this... was working on something else, but want to get right on this... big news!

    Rove's refusal to testify is FAR more bizarre that hers... so he should be dashed pretty quickly.


    Now let's hope their redaction pen is't 8.5" x 10".

  6. argh... make that "isn't 8.5" x 11"."

  7. Wouldn't get too excited if I were you. Remember this cartoon that Padré Mickey posted a few days ago?

  8. I take comfort in the small victories, even if the end of the story is not all that we would want it to be. Josh and Harriet are squirming a bit. Harriet was a pawn, but she is a lawyer. She should have known better. She was gaga over Bush and couldn't say no, not even to the humiliation they put her through as a nominee for the Supreme Court.

  9. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Alcatraz could be reopened just for Dubya and his cohorts.

  10. Mike, methinks they'd fill it up fast.

  11. Al Quatraz?

    That's in Afganistan, isn't it?

  12. Göran, could be, could be. I hear that there are secret prisons all around.


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