Sunday, July 27, 2008

Stephen Colbert On The Anglican Communion

Other bloggers, Klady, Fran, and Elizabeth have posted or linked to this video, but I could not resist. Stephen solves all the problems in the Anglican Communion over at Comedy Central. Why isn't he at Lambeth to share his wisdom with the bishops?

UPDATE: Malcolm+ says that Canadians can view the video here.


  1. Viewer from Canadian ISPs cannot connect to Comedy Central's website due to some aspect of their partnership with The Comedy Network (Canada).

    Canadians can view the clip at:

  2. Malcolm+, thanks for the link. I added an update.

  3. this is great! sometimes I have a hard time understanding and keeping track of all of our different church controversies, but he cuts right to the chase, doesn't he?

  4. He doesn't mind taking a poke at the hypocrisy in his own denomination, either

  5. Stephen Colbert (the final "t" is silent) is the creator of the word "truthiness," which refers to the rightwing misuse of facts - that is to say, the propensity of the right wing to present complete fabrications in such a manner that they appear intuitively credible.

    Sounds like the average GAFCON pronouncement.

    (BTW, an anagram for Global Anglican Future is: Ungrateful babal go nil.)

  6. Stephen Colbert (the final "t" is silent) is the creator of the word "truthiness,"....

    Malcolm, I know, I know. It's a French name, like Claudette Colbert. I may be the only one who knows who she is. I am a great fan of Stephen's and of his word "truthiness".


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