Friday, August 29, 2008

About Gustav

We know little more today than we knew yesterday about where Gustav will make landfall. It's still way out there, and it's moving quite slowly. Yesterday I was a wreck, but today I feel better. The storm will either come our way, or it won't. The prayers, the candles, the votives, the bonfires, and the encouraging words are helping me. I have all of you to thank for that. Thank you, thank you, thank you, my friends out there in Blogland and spread all through the intertubes.


  1. Hang in there, Grandmère Mimi. You're in my thoughts, as always. As is the wonderful city of New Orleans.

  2. I have been thinking about you a lot as I watch the weather channel...keep us posted. You are right, it either will, or won't and there "ain't shit you can do about it", as we say here!

  3. We're hanging in, with still no more knowledge today than yesterday. Grandpère talked to our disaster manager here, and he said we will not know anything until the storm gets into the Gulf of Mexico. That would probably be early Sunday morning. It's still in the northern Caribbean.


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