Monday, August 4, 2008

Authorized Version Of The Big Adventure

TheMeThatIsMe, who blogs at Conscientisation, gives us the authorized version of the 400 mile road trip adventure with MadPriest to St. Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow, Scotland, where Bishop Gene presided and preached at the Eucharist yesterday. And a grand day it was. Get the other side of the story.

Along with excluding Bishop Gene from the Lambeth gatherings, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams forbid him to preside at the Eucharist during his stay in England. It seems the Scottish Episcopal Church had no such qualms.

On a side note, those of us in the Episcopal Church in the US have reason to be grateful to the Scottish Church, because bishops in Scotland consecrated the first bishop for the Episcopal Church, the US-born Samuel Seabury.


  1. "... we talk about our respective spouses and Mimi, and the intertubes and Mimi, the diocese and my job, and sausages and cigars and Mimi, my recent drift into anguish and mental health and Mimi."

    Hmmm .........

  2. Lapin, before I get puffed up, I suppose I should inquire first into exactly what they said about me.

  3. What are the "intertubes" and what is your connection to them? Or, for that matter, what is your connection to their respective spouses? Or to the Diocese of Newcastle, sausages, cigars, and TMTIM's mental health?

    That witchcraft of yours gets itself into all sorts of nooks and crannies, don't it?

  4. I am pleased the Scots upheld the honour of the Brits!

  5. Lapin, "intertubes" references the internet, which Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) believes, or once believed, delivers information through tubes - like pneumatic tubes, perhaps? He was the former chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, who apparently knew next to nothing about how the internet operates.

    He is also now in deep doo-doo, because, as you probably know, he has been indicted on several counts for failing to report donations from businesses whom he helped by pushing legislation that favored them.

    The folks back home in Alaska love him, because he reliably brings home the bacon.

  6. Hi, DP. I'm totally sweating having to follow the excellent posts of my fellow guest bloggers at TWODP, however, I gave my word, and I will have something up there.

    Godspeed to you and your family.

    Lapin, PS: I have no idea what the other connections are about. I didn't know about the trip beforehand, so none of my voodoo tricks were involved.

  7. What in the world is "TWODP?"


  8. Jim, love, try to keep up. That's the name of Doorman-Priest's blog, "The World of Doorman-Priest", which is entirely too long a blog name for those of us who have to type it.

    Sorry about that. I should have done the hard work of spelling it out.


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