Friday, August 29, 2008

"Fox News: Still Shameless"

Fran kindly sent me an email with a link to Jen at Little Country Lost. The picture is from Fox News. See what Jen has to say. Translation: Feck the people. Take care of the oil.


  1. Oh. Em. Eff. Gee. There is nothing else to say.

  2. Now Michael Moore tells Keith Olberman that 'Gustav is proof there is a God' because it's hitting New Orleans on the first day of the Republican convention. Olberman didn't call him down on it. How is this different from evangelical 'warnings' that Gustav is coming because of Southern Decadence??

  3. Jim, I did not see the show. I hardly think Michael Moore was serious, however, it is a tasteless joke coming at this time. I don't think it's funny at all. I'm going to try to watch the 9 PM show.

  4. Oh, he was delighted. I have not liked Michael Moore since I read a pretty convincing article a couple of years ago about how badly he treats people who work for him.
    Now I know he is just a blowhard. I'm really angry over this.
    Watch it and see if I'm over-reacting.

  5. Moore was also one of those responsible for painting Bush and Gore as "twins" back in 2000. (See especially the video he directed for the band Rage Against the Machine.)

    He's done some good stuff too, but he's a jerk, basically.

  6. Mimi, I posted the video on Jindal Watch if you want to check it out.

  7. And here's the Rage video:

    You might want to watch with the sound off. Either way, it makes my blood boil. Rage was a HUGE band in 2000 and it kills me that Michael Moore was responsible for this p.o.s. video.

  8. I saw Olbermann with Moore at 9 PM. It was not pretty. The whole bit with Moore was bad - a mistake.

  9. PJ, POS is exactly right. I had forgotten about that.

  10. If the storm had come a week earlier and a Republican had made that statement about the Dem convention, we wouldn't hear the end of it.
    I will not give him a pass.

  11. Jim, I don't give him a pass either.

  12. Remember, McCain has said that no oil facilities were damaged in Katrina.

    I know... stop laughing.

    Sick minds, all of them.

  13. That's right, what really matters is the steady supply of cheap oil. A month ago there was an oil spill on the river here and all I heard about was the impact to shipping. Well what about the impact to the environment? What about the quality of life for people who had to breath the fumes for several days? Not on anybody's radar I'm afraid.



  14. oh, now we know what's REALLY important. yikes.

    and I agree with Jim about Michael Moore. though I'm left (big surprise), I am not a big fan of his. I think he messes with the facts to make his points, sometimes, and then decides that the end justifies the means.

    praying for your safety.. I'm up here in Mpls/St. Paul, where they are saying they might delay the convention.

  15. Well, at least they're being honest as to where the administration's priorities are ...

    I have to remind myself to stop walking past their headquarters every day on the way to work ...

    Well, I for one am not praying for the oil fields and rigs, I'm praying for the entire Gulf Coast, the City of New Orleans, and lovely saint from Thibodaux.

    And yes, that candle is still going!


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