Saturday, August 2, 2008

Doxy In The Comments At OCICBW

(...I ask for your prayers, MP--and those of the rest of the OCICBW denizens. I'm here for the International AIDS Conference, and there is not much good news this year. Vaccine trials are being pulled left and right, while infection numbers in the U.S. are rising dramatically....)


All together now: Let us pray.

UPDATE: Doxy is indeed correct. From the New York Times:

MEXICO CITY — The United States has significantly underreported the number of new H.I.V. infections occurring nationally each year, with a study released here on Saturday showing that the annual infection rate is 40 percent higher than previously estimated.

Thanks to Lapin for the link.


  1. And this with officialdom announcing that infection rates are falling, the epidemic is under control, and all is comparatively rosy?

  2. Oh dear God -- prayers indeed. And thanks to Doxy who gives her life to this sorrow.

  3. Just (one minute ago) up on the NYT web page - "U.S. Study Says H.I.V. Infection Is 40% Higher Than Estimated".

  4. It seems that we cannot take at face value the words of any of the federal agencies during the reign of the Bush maladministration.

  5. Bless you, Mimi! (And you too, Susankay. I am privileged beyond measure to do the work I do.)

    I've been trying to write a blog post on this all week--and I'm finding it very difficult.

    The official "line" is that there aren't necessarily any MORE infections---just that our new surveillance system is catching those that already exist but weren't being counted.

    I have my doubts---for reasons best not put into print. My children like to eat...

  6. Doxy, glad to help. Who knows what the figures mean? The "official" line doesn't work for me any longer. It seems that all of our federal agencies are corrupted by the Cheney/Bush maladministration.

  7. Doxy now has a great post about and from the AIDS conference up at her blog. Go read. Vintage Doxy and a great combo of hard facts and commentary.


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