Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Have Many Mansions

The Real McCain video received in an email from Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films Team. Pass it around.

From Politico:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.

"I think — I'll have my staff get to you," McCain told Politico in Las Cruces, N.M. "It's condominiums where — I'll have them get to you."


  1. hmmmm ---maybe he has even more than that.....

    sigh. Isn't it just a little perverse... (irony there).


  2. I can't do video with dial up but hubby said there was a new ad about Mccain's houses by Obama's team. Is this it? They have lept all over this one. Hurrah for our side. McCain and his elitest bull.

  3. I remember a screed passed around on John and Teresa Kerry that complained about 5 homes and McCain has 6? Jeeze.

    Oh wait, I think his ex-wife lives in that one in Virginia.

  4. speaking of houses...only a little off-topic, -- Grandmere --are you safe from the tropical storm/hurricane Fay which seems to be heading your way?

  5. Afeatheradrift, it is. One woman talks about how she lost her home. McCain talks about getting a second job and giving up a vacation. The woman talks about food on the table or paying the mortgage.

    Susan, it's OK to be rich if you're a Republican.

    Margaret, we're to leave in the event of a hurricane. For now, we watch and wait. If it remains a tropical storm, we probably won't leave.

  6. Margaret, I checked on the storm. The problem probably won't be so much wind, as rain and storm surge, which will cause flooding in the lower areas of Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes. The folks who live there may have to leave. We don't live in the lower area.

  7. You all continue in my prayers Grandmere. I hope you will remain safe.

    as to the McCain house stuff --the official house number is seven. McCain owns seven houses. And in rebuff to this video, he is asking Obama if he really wants to get into a house argument, considering he (Obama) "owns a million dollar mansion that he bought through a convicted felon..." The spin begins!

  8. Okay, I don't know about the "million dollar mansion" or the "convicted killer" link.

    I only know this much to be true: If McCain is elected in November, I'm leaving the country - because if McCain gets elected, this can't be the country I know and love.

    Word to your mother.

  9. Margaret, many thanks for the prayers.

    My sentiments exactly, Elizabeth, except Grandpère won't go. Actually, if I were a young person, I would have left long ago. Even if Obama is elected, the fix will be long and hard, and I don't know if the citizens of the US have the will to do what it will take.

    I don't really care about the houses, either. It's his callous attitude toward folks who do the right thing and still lose their homes.

  10. Oh, sigh, the last thing I need is to hear multi-housed John McCain dissing where Obama's house came from. I just got back from Iowa City where I was cleaning up where people are waiting to see if their houses are going to be condemned or not or who, at the moment, own a shell that is a grotesque caricature of their house. Like these people in Iowa City, or NOLA, or Mississippi want to hear this weasel's house count.

  11. Thanks for posting this. I sent the link for this video to several friends.

  12. Elizabeth --not a convicted killer, but a felon....some kind of money laundering cheesey thing. I forget the guy's name, but it's very recent.

    Grandmere --either way in the election, we will muddle through somehow... but if McCain is elected, maybe it will hasten the revolution (snarky).

  13. Kirke, it sticks in the craw, doesn't it? I don't know how many homes I have. Ask my staff.

    Ruth. thank you.

    Margaret, I am not hopeful about our future even if Obama gets elected. To change the way government functions in DC will be a monumental task. If McCain is elected, we'll have one war after another during his presidency, fighting on every front.

    Some days, it's hard to get out of bed in the morning. Without my faith, I'd feel completely hopeless.

  14. I agree Grandmere --which is why I resorted to being snarky.... sigh.

    but all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

    Keep the faith Grandmere.

  15. The figure of 7 houses owned by the McCains is just misreporting by the liberal biased media.
    In fact, he owns 12.

    George W. Bush and John McCain; my friends, buy one, get one free!

  16. My standard of measure for Just How Bad Things Can Get are those years from 1929 to 1945, probably the darkest 16 years in history.

    We ain't anywhere near that yet, but we are a lot closer than I would like.

  17. Counterlight, those were bad years, but maybe not darker than the Revolution. We came very close to losing. And maybe not darker than the slave-owning period, if you happened to be a slave. And maybe not darker than during the Civil War.

    I don't like where we are, slouching toward becoming a banana republic, in the sense of having a few very rich in control, a very small middle class, and a great many poor people.

  18. but all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

    Margaret, that is my hope.

  19. I consulted my staff (in the mirror), and it turns out I only have one home.

  20. Well, I suppose it's time for my confession. My husband grew up on a small farm, which, at one time, supported five families. Several of the tenant farmers lived in houses on the farm. All but one of the houses have been torn down, because they were in serious disrepair.

    One of the elderly tenant farmers lived in the house until a few years ago, so his house was kept up. He moved to his daughter's house a few years ago, and that house is now rented out. We have the original house that my husband grew up in and another small house for the times when all the family want to go to stay at the place (which is no longer farmed) at the same time. Those two houses are also our hurricane evacuation destination. So, I guess I'd have to say we have four houses. Does rental property count? If it doesn't, then we have three houses.

    See how crafty I am to post this information way down in the comments with the hope that no one will see that we must claim more than one house. I'm not even sure how many we have, since I don't know whether to claim the rent house or not.

  21. And they are probably much more lovely than the condos owned by McShame.

  22. Susan, I'm afraid you'll have to ask my staff about that.


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