Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If Dogs Could Talk...

If you wanted a bunny, then why didn't you just buy one?

I wish your husband had taken me with him when he left.

What is wrong with you. Seriously. Did you not get enough love as a child? Is your world so completely devoid of meaning that you think dressing me as a flower is a form of care taking?

I hope the house gets robbed tonight. And when it does, you know what? I'm not even going to bark, because FLOWERS can't bark!

Oy vey. If only Moses would have left in that 11th Commandment:

'Thou shall not desecrate one's pet.'

Thanks to Lapin.


  1. I think the flower one had me laughing the most.

  2. You didn't find those animals under the sofa cushions, did you???

  3. Ruth, I like the flower best, too.

    Fran, I wasn't even looking for them. They popped out from under the cushions all on their own. You never know WHAT'S under there.

  4. I'm firmly convinced animals can get embarrassed and these dogs certainly are. I vote for the poodle skirt with a good second by the rabbi dogs. LOL. too funny.

  5. Afeather, I believe that animals get embarrassed. I've seen a dog or two that had to be shaved, and they definitely looked embarrassed - naked, you know.


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