Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Latest In Ecclesiastical Computers

While you wait for me to decide whether I will post on the Archbishop of Canterbury's most recent letter, you can amuse yourself by exploring the full wonders of the latest in ecclesiastical computers at Datamancer. There are lots more pictures and a full explanation of all the features of the computer.

Thanks to Paul (A.) for the link.


  1. Interesting, Grandmere - but I will wait for the Mac version ;-}

  2. RR, you Mac folks are such zealots.

  3. Dearest Grandmère Mimi... I NEEEEED it. I need it BAAAAAD. (This used to work with my own Grandmère, usually. Well, sometimes. I WAS her favorite.)

    p.s. I really need it.

  4. TheJanet, I have so many grandchildren. If I gave you one, all the others would want one.


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