Friday, August 15, 2008

Obama - McCain And Faith


On the eve of tomorrow night's presidential forum at Rick Warren's church in California, a pro-Obama religious group announced today that will air a TV ad during the forum's broadcast that emphasizes Obama's faith, his family, and his marriage.

Believe it or not, I read Rick Warren's "The Purpose-Driven Life" or "The Purpose-Driven Church", one or the other, (I can't remember which) and I did not care for it. We were at cross purposes. In addition, I don't believe a mega-church would be my kind of place, however, Warren does promote social consciousness in his big church, as many of the other mega-church pastors do not.

In the TV ad, which you can watch at MSNBC link, the good Reverend Caldwell makes mention of McCain's offer of his wife as a contestant in a topless contest. Yes, he does. I do not like the focus on the candidates' faith. That should not matter. However, principles and moral character do matter a great deal to me. However, considering the situation in our country today, I'd have to concede that that the TV ad is probably a good thing.


  1. Hmmm... I actually read it too. An old friend really felt strongly about it and wanted me to read it, so I did. Not my thing.

    When I see Warren's name I get a little jumpy because I can't quite trust him. I don't like saying that, but it is true.

    And I find it a bit patronizing that Big White Christian Guy has to tell people that Obama Is A Nice Christian Guy with a wife, family and values.

    Do I sound too grumpy? Cynical?

    I do, don't I.

    Deep sigh.

  2. Fran, I don't know how I got through the whole book. All the while I read it, my lips curled and I thought, "Whatever this is, it's not for me."

    I'm grumpy and cynical, too. A fellow parishioner, who admires Rick greatly, gave me the book to read. Can you see why I appreciate my online community so much? I gave her my honest appraisal, but nicely. "It's not for me."

  3. I'm not a fan of 'The Purpose-Driven Life', but I am definitely a fan of Rick Warren as a person. He's done a huge amount to reach non-Christian people with the gospel, and in recent years he's definitely moved into a more socially-aware form of evangelicalism (in keeping with the great evangelical social activists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries).

    Mind you, 'The Purpose-Drive Life' has had a very positive effect in the lives of a couple of my parishioners. I've seen the effect firsthand - very beneficial.

    For me, it's another example of how you don't have to agree with everything a person says to recognise that they are doing their best to follow Christ faithfully and that God is at work through them.

  4. Tim, I gave my personal reaction to Warren's book. If folks profit from it, then who am I to quarrel with them? Folks profit from the Alpha course, too, but I was totally put off by it.

    I'm certainly not suggesting that they're not doing their best to follow Christ. That would be judgmental and wrong. In the same way, I have a right to choose what is most helpful to me in trying my best to follow Jesus.

  5. I don't think we disagree about 'The Purpose Driven Life', Mimi. Sorry if it sounded as if I was criticising you - I wasn't.

  6. Tim, I'm glad we agree. The books sell, so obviously people get something out of them. What's not for me is definitely for lots of other folks.

    I suppose I did take what you said as a bit critical, as though I was implying that Warren wasn't doing what he thought best to try to follow Jesus.

  7. Rick Warren is a butt-head.

    Remember when he wrote that totally puffy piece on Peter Jasper in Christianity Today?
    What a dough-headed dip-stick!

    And what about his support of the Lambeth Boycott by the GAFConners? He's not even an Anglican but big boy has something to say about it:

    He agrees with the GAFConners because:
    "Dr Warren said that homosexuality is not a natural way of life and thus not a human right. "We shall not tolerate this aspect at all," Dr Warren said."

    I don't know when he became a "doctor." Somewhere on the internets I imagine.

    He urged Americans to vote for George W and gave 5 reasons including abortion, "gay marriage", stem-cell research, and two other things I am sure I disagree with him about.

    And remember how he came to the side of W during the Harriet Miers fiasco. He said something to the effert of, "I believe it was for a moment such as this that we had the last election." That's to the best of my recollection.

    Rick Warren is a tool of the GOP. Pure and simple.

    And, despite occasional condescending statements on HIV/AIDS, he remains a Southern Baptists and we all know where they stand.

    Fran is right not to trust him.

  8. Lindy, next time tell us what you really think.


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