Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rest In Peace, Lillian

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Lillian, the rust-colored hen on the left, passed away yesterday. She belonged to my daughter's family. She lived a good life and produced her share of tasty eggs. Their two older hens have not been laying for the past couple of years, due to aging, but three new hens are coming up. From her appearance and the fact that she laid green eggs, I believe that Lillian was an Araucana chicken. My three grandsons had green eggs and ham whenever they liked.


  1. Lillian in the Kingdom, what a thought.

    She served your daughter's family well and long... green eggs, what a memory for your grandkids!

  2. RIP Lillian.

    Green eggs? I assume (hope) that was just the shell?

  3. Fran, we gonna meet Lillian in the kingdom. She was a good hen.

    Ruth, only the shell was green. Easter eggs, you could say. Some of that breed of chicken lay blue eggs.

  4. Thank you for the tribute to Lillian. How good that the children got to have "real" eggs growing up, and green ones at that! They will remember that chicken as they grown older, and the other one too.

    I just got a mental image of Lillian clucking away in heaven and walking about contentedly.

    And of Jesus using that lovely mother hen image of himself.

    Thank you again, Mimi.

  5. She was a sweet bird. She liked humans, even strangers like us.

  6. Well, God bless Lillian, a wonder not only for the grandchildren, but for all of us who wait for such unexpected stories of beautiful and unassuming gift-givers. As I have said elsewhere, if Mitts and Wizard can't enter the kingdom, I don't want to be there either (of course, we already are there, aren't we, when love appears). God bless all children who live close to the earth and understand such things much better than most of us urban types.

  7. Why not Lillian in the Kingdom? To think otherwise is putting God in a very small sounds familiar...

    It must be lonely without her.

    One Good Chicken. I'm sorry.

  8. May Lillian scratch away and cluck to her heart's content in the great beyond. May she be very, very happy!

  9. My daughter told me that one of the younger hens laid her first egg today, a little brown one.

    My grandsons will, very likely, read the post and the lovely comments tomorrow. My daughter wanted to wait a bit to let them get over their sadness a little before she showed it to them.

  10. I am sorry about the loss of your chicken. I once had a rooster named appropriately enough Roosty whose untimely demise I mourned for quite a while longer than normal for poultry mounrning. All the barnyard beasts have a way of making my love a little bigger, even the chickens. It is sad when they leave us for that big barnyard in the sky.

    May your new hens lay plentifully and bring joy to your home.


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