Friday, August 1, 2008

Shall I Ban Lapin For This?

Alas! He's another one of my suppliers of material. I think I need him too much to ban him.

Click on the picture for a better view.


  1. Oh, that was it...quickly, notify The Archbishop of Canterbury...he'll be pleased there is a actual/factual for attempting to exclude LGBT (do you think heterosexual women turn into Lesbians?) Christians at all levels of Churchlife...and to think I spent my youth drinking gallons of Budweiser every wonder I "went" over to the otherside, yet, I was already on the "otherside" before I ever had a sip of beer...go figure.

  2. wonder I "went" over to the otherside, yet, I was already on the "otherside" before I ever had a sip of beer...go figure.

    Leonardo, you must be the exception that proves the rule.

  3. Hah! All the men I know are like that!

  4. So, drink more beer? Is one brand more effective than another? How 'bout Lager vs. Ale?

    Just don wanna go to the effort without a reasonable expectation of results.

  5. Johnieb, brand don't matter. This is science, pure science, so don't question the findings.

  6. from 1943, advice for managers on how to handle women employees.

    Worth a read for a good laugh.

  7. Dennis, that's priceless. I may use quotes from it in a post.

  8. If Lapin sent that, or its link, to you he is a very brave bunny, if rather foolhardy.

    The science seems quite sound.

    As a non-beer-drinker, I remain my incredibly butch self.

  9. Hi Butch. How's it going in ABQ?

    You can't know how I value the rabbit. He sends me good stuff.


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