Thursday, August 28, 2008

Updates On Hurricane Gustav

I'm updating the pictures on the Gustav post as they change. The projected path has moved a little to the west, which is better for New Orleans and better for us, too. However, it's still too early to know where it will make landfall. God knows that I don't wish the storm on anyone else. I pray for the whole coastal area, both Louisiana and Texas.

UPDATE: From Paul, the BB:

Gustav Kills 23 In Haiti, DR, New Orleans Prepares
Central Florida News 13|, FL - 1 hour ago
MIAMI -- Gustav stalled offshore Wednesday after landslides and flooding killed 23 people in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Oil workers began leaving ...

Let us pray for those who lost their lives in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Yes. Let us pray.


  1. It's still a bit frustrating since they're saying basically the same thing as yesterday morning, anywhere from Corpus Christi to Tampa. If they come in around Kingsville and Corpus, we can get pretty bad weather here.

    Right now we're getting weather from Tropical Storm Julio that came in from the Pacific over the Baja. I'm not completely sure how it works, but I think it is somehow helping to keep Gustaf to the east.

    But then we've seen these storms go every way possible from the current position of Gustav.

  2. Mike, yes, frustrating is the word. For now, it's watch and wait.

  3. The very latest advisory has it coming in right over us. Don't worry. We will leave.

  4. May the good Lord keep you and yours in the palm of his hand, Mimi.

  5. Prayers for all in the potential path of Gustav.

    This sure is one crazy week.

  6. Mimi, please do leave, even if you feel a little silly about it at this point.

  7. Thanks all for the prayers.

    Mike, we will leave, and we won't feel silly about it.

  8. Yes - prayers for everyone who have suffered, and who are at risk, small and great, from this storm.

    I find it so frustrating that many news and weather channels seem to be uninterested in injury and damage until these actually make landfall in the USA.

    Or am I being unfair?

  9. RR, I'm tempted to say that you're never in danger of being unfair to the news people, but that would be wrong. Some of them do their jobs well.

    Fay went on a quite a rampage after she finally moved out of Florida, and the force of the wind fell.

  10. I will be quite pleased to hear that you and Grandpere and Paul the BB are all out of harms way. Prayers for those who have been harmed and those who may still be.

  11. Lifting my prayers for you. I hope you stay safe!

  12. I do so hope you are spared. I hope everyone else is too, but I guess that is too much to hope for. My prayers are with all in the area. Another bad one is just not acceptable.

  13. I'm praying! Have you decided whether or not to stay yet?

  14. Thanks again for the prayers. I'm pretty much a wreck. I wish I could say that I'm cool and calm, but I'm not. I don't fear personal harm, but the watching and waiting are getting to me. I guess that makes it about our stuff. It's not that I'm so attached to my things, as it is about the trouble it will be to replace everything.

    The good news is that I went to have my hair cut, and I will look absolutely fetching for our evacuation.

    WE, unless there is a drastic change in the direction of the path of Gustav, we will leave on Saturday morning.


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