Friday, September 19, 2008

About Those Oil Rigs That The Fish Love

From Forbes:

WASHINGTON (AFX) - At least 20 oil rigs and platforms are missing in the Gulf of Mexico and a ruptured gas pipeline is on fire after Hurricane Katrina hit the region, Agence France-Presse reported, citing a source from a US Coast Guard unit operating in the area.

'We have confirmed at least 20 rigs or platforms missing, either sunk or adrift, and one confirmed fire where a rig was,' Petty Officer Robert Reed told AFP.

The missing rigs were in the Gulf of Mexico, Reed said, citing Coast Guard overflights of the area and information from oil companies.


  1. Someone posting at "Think Progress" about this piece of silliness says "The aquarium in New Orleans, (before Katrina, don’t know bout now) had a “Gulf Exhibit” built around a mock oil rig platform base to make the fish “feel more at home.”

    McCain also said, re fish and oil rigs, "So not only can it be helpful for energy, it can be helpful for some pretty good meals as well."

    Beggars belief, don't it?

  2. Isn't it just a hoot? I guess they just sit down and make up this stuff out of thin air. Guess they didn't bother to check how many platforms had been destroyed or completely disappeared. And of course the bit about the fish is priceless. As some one said, yes, and it's true that birds need telephone wires in their environment to thrive as well. what a bunch of hooey. And a great Happy Birthday Mimi, sorry I missed it. I just can't find the three hours a day to visit everyone every day and leave comments with this dial up. Hope you forgive me!


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