Saturday, September 13, 2008

"America's Joyous Future"

Thanks to Lapin.


  1. I suspect that's NOT a Photoshop job.


  2. Counterlight, I can't say. My suppliers send them, and I post them, no questions asked. The price is right.

  3. Showing my age: Do you remember what Khrushchev said about this (and what it would take to "conquer America" - although I'm feeling pretty certain the same things happen all over the world, including Russia)?


    It may be that this roster (the list is much longer, as we all know) is all that has prevented his prediction from coming true - at least up to now?

  4. It's been a strange kind of sunrise that's followed "the dawning of the Age of Aquarius."

  5. Woah. Is this for real?

    I am not feeling optimistic about the U.S. of A. (or our voters).

    As a Christian I do live in hope, though.

    Even if it's a PhotoShop job, it's plausible enough!

  6. Paul M. M., (so many Pauls!), your comment reminded me of Maslow's "peak experiences". We don't hear talk of those outside of the Age of Aquarius, either. Those were the days!

    Jane, I have no idea if it's real or a Shop. It came free. This blogger has learned not to question the freebies, if I'm in search of material.


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